Architects without known legacy
Adamovich, Igor Lvovich
АДАМОВИЧ Игорь Львович
Engineer, artistGraduate of Harbin Polytechnic. In Shanghai from 1930 onward. Head of the architecture department at Calatroni, Hsieh & Co., later at Land Underwriters. Exhibited at Shanghai Art Shows (1930, 1935).
ALavdin, Alexander Ivanovich
АЛЯВДИН Александр Иванович
Engineer, architectBorn on March 3, 1908, in the Far East; died 8 Dec 1983 in Canberra. Graduate of Harbin Polytechnic. In Shanghai from 1932; worked in multiple foreign firms. Wife Iraida (Eraida).
BARBELIUK, Grigory Iosifovich
БАРБЕЛЮК Григорий Иосифович
ArchitectBorn 27 Jan 1904 in China. Lived in Shanghai in 1931–1936 and 1939–1943. Worked with B. V. Krivoss and A. A. Reyer. (Kradin, 199)
BERNHARD, Alexander Rudolfovich
БЕРНГАРД Александр Рудольфович
Engineer, builderBorn 6 Feb 1916 in Ekaterinburg. Worked in Shanghai in 1937–1938. (Kradin, 204)
Borisoglebsky, Georgy Sergeevich
БОРИСОГЛЕБСКИЙ Георгий Сергеевич
Civil and railway engineerBorn 22 June 1902 in Ashabad; 17 Sept 1984 in Sydney. Worked in Shanghai in 1930–1939; was an SMC ratepayer. His studio was at 267 Kiangse Road. In Sydney, he became one of the founders of the first Russian church. (Kradin, 204) More info and obituary in Politechnik #10.
Budagyan (Budagian), Leon Sumbatovich
БУДАГИЯН Леон Сумбатович
EngineerBorn 29 Nov 1901; died 18 Apr 1980 in New South Wales, Australia. Worked in Shanghai in 1937 and in Hong Kong in 1937–1941. In 1942, with wife Anna he went via Bombay to Sydney. More info and obituary in Politechnik #10.
Disterlo, Boris Vladimirovich
ДИСТЕРЛО Борис Владимирович
EngineerBorn 1 May 1900 in Moscow; died 22 July 1977 in San Francisco. Worked at CER; built various railway objects, including bridges. In Shanghai from 1931 to 1947.
Itenson, Alexander Vladimirovich
ИТЕНСОН Александр Владимирович
ArchitectBorn 2 August 1883 in Odessa; died 14 February 1946 in Shanghai. Practiced architecture in Harbin and Shanghai.
Kirilloff, Sergey Evgenievich
КИРИЛЛОВ Сергей Евгеньевич
ArchitectBorn on August 9, 1888, in Mitava, Latvia, he graduated from the architecture department of Riga Polytechnic Institute. In 1925, he traveled from Vladivostok to Shanghai. He was employed first with L. E. Hudec and later with Suenson & Co., Ltd.. In 1928 he left for Canada and returned to Shanghai in 1933. He was then employed as a draughtsman with the Asia Realty Co. for a year, and with C. H. Gonda in 1934–1936. In 1937 he started conducting the Pacific Stamp Company. Kirilloff had wife Inna and son Leo.
Koltsov-Mosalsky, Alexander Georgievich, prince
КОЛЬЦОВ-МОСАЛЬСКИЙ Александр Георгиевич (князь)
Architect, building supervisorBorn Dec 2, 1896, in Saint-Petersburg. In 1932-1933, worked at K. H. Suhr's architecture firm. In 1950, with wife and children, went via Philippines to the USA.
Konstantinoff, Boris Evgenievich
КОНСТАНТИНОВ Борис Евгеньевич
ArchitectA naturalized Chinese citizen, Konstantinoff was born in Harbin on 28 May 1912. He graduated from Architectural Department of the Harbin Polytechnic Institute in 1935. The same year he moved to Shanghai and found employment with Terrazzo Marble & Tile Co.
Architect, land surveyor1926: Announced a sale of a Stradivarius violin, supposedly inherited by his wife; the asking price was $3,000.
Kovaleff, Sergey Alexandrovich
КОВАЛЕВ Сергей Александрович
Architect1935: Worked at Modern Home furniture store. Attempted suicide by shooting, in Jessfield Park, but survived and recovered.
Lissovsky, Zigmound (Sigismund Kazimirowich) (25 Oct 1880 – 12 May 1943)
Architect1934: Found guilty of stealing valuables and jewels from his friend Rodukoff.
Mamontov, Serge Ivanovich
МАМОНТОВ Сергей Иванович
Real estate broker, owner of New China Trading Co.1941: Shot while riding in a ricksha on Rue Lafayette; died of wounds.
von Rachner, Constantin Fedorovich (1867-after 1944)
фон РАХНЕР Константин Федорович
Engineer, architect, landlordBorn 9 Feb 1867 in Kishinev. In 1935, he was charged with assault of his British tenants, Vera Lock and her son, over non-payment of rent.
Rahmanoff, Alexandr Andreevich (1885–1943)
РАХМАНОВ Александр Андреевич
EngineerBorn 15 Mar 1885 in Chita. After graduating from Nikolaev Engineering Academy, in St Petersburg, Rahmanoff was involved in the construction of a fortress in Vladivostok, taught in his alma mater and served as a miner during the World War, rising to the rank of a Colonel by 1919. In 1920–1934 he lived in Harbin, where he owned a cement plant and worked in construction. From 1934 he lived in Shanghai, where he was also involved in construction. He was member of the ex-Siberian Cadet Corps Society and the Officers’ Club. A widower, he lived at 611/13 Rue Bourgeat, and died 1 Sept 1943.
Scrill, Trofim Nikolaevich
СКРИЛЬ Трофим Николаевич
Engineer, architect1934: Assaulted by workers that he fired while working on a building at 1813A Avenue Joffre.
Senichenko, John Fedorovich
СЕНИЧЕНКО Иван Федорович
Architectural assistantBorn c. 1895. Wife Ludmila Pellgorsky. Before 1928: Worked at Palmer & Turner. 1929-1933: Worked at the SMC Public Works Department.
Soorochnikoff (SoUrochnikoff), Vassily Vassilievich
СУРОШНИКОВ Василий Васильевич
Architectural assistantBorn July 9, 1908, in Samara; arrived in Shanghai in 1921 via Harbin, with his parents. Educated at Aurora University, in 1929 he was employed as an assistant architect at Public Works Departments of the French Municipal Council.
Tomashevsky, Paul (Pavel) Alexandrovich (1876–1929)
ТОМАШЕВСКИЙ Павел Александрович
ArchitectBorn Railway engineer in Irkutsk in 1902–1905; control administrator at the port of Vladivostok in 1912–1920. Involved with the building of CER until 1920. In Shanghai, worked at Livin-Goldenstaedt's architecture firm. In 1929, shot himself in the heart in the bathroom of his house, 118 Route Vallon, after suffering from "cardiac and nervous trouble." In his farewell letter he requested that the monument of his own design should be erected on his grave. Son – the architect I. P. Tomashevsky.
UNTERBERGER, Petr Pavlovich
EngineerEmployed at the Shanghai Municipal Council from 1926 onward. Vice-chairman of the Russian Engineers' Society in the mid-1930s.
VassilieV, Constantin Grigorievich
ВАСИЛЬЕВ Константин Григорьевич
EngineerBorn 1 March 1891 in Kazan. In Shanghai from 1924. Owned a construction firm C. G. Vassiliev 万雪利物, on Avenue Joffre, later Vassiliev Engineering Corp. (Structural engineers and contractors, woodworking factory), on Penang Road. One of the organizers of the Russian Engineers' Society.
Verhotoortzeff, Sergey Nikandrovich
ВЕРХОТУРЦЕВ Сергей Никандрович
ArchitectBorn 1889. Presumably, designed and built the cabaret Folies Bergere. In 1953, immigrated to Brazil.
Vesseloukin, Vladimir Mikhailovich
ВЕСЕЛУХИН Владимир Михайлович
Architect, civil engineerDirector of School of Engineering (Drawing and Design), 925 Avenue Joffre.
Zenzinoff, Boris Fedorovich
ЗЕНЗИНОВ Борис Федорович
EngineerBorn on October 4, 1898, in Transbaikal province, Zenzinoff left Russia in 1921 and studied at Harbin Polytechnic Institute. Having graduated as an electro-mechanical engineer in 1927, he arrived in Shanghai in 1932 and found work with Elliott Hazzard, Architect. In 1934–1936, Zenzinoff was engaged by Jacob Lehonos to work on the construction of the Orthodox Cathedral, Route Paul Henry. After this project, he unsuccessfully sought employment in Canton, returning to Shanghai in 1937 to work as a designer at Anderson, Mayer & Co.