Boris Krivoss

Б. В. Кривош

Boris Krivoss with an old Chinese cannon he fished out of the Lake Tahu in 1929

Boris Vladimirovich Krivoss (1901–1990)

Борис Владимирович Кривош (1901–1990). Русский текст – внизу страницы

Land and estate agent, architect, builder, contractor, landlord

Boris Krivoss was born in Saint-Petersburg on September 5, 1901, and died on May 23, 1990, in Santiago, Chile.

Owner of B. Krivoss & Co. 葛礼文洋行 and Krivoss Realty Co. 葛礼文建筑地产公司. First wife – Regina Krivoss (b. 1911); second wife – Victoria Barrera (Chile).

Boris Krivoss escaped from Russia to China in 1921, leaving behind his parents and brother. In 1925, he founded his architectural firm and realty company in Shanghai. By the mid-1930s he was owner of several buildings, realtor, land broker and landlord. He built "several terraces and tens of private residences and apartment houses." He traded in land, designed and built new homes or rebuilt and modernized existing residences.

Krivoss was frequent donor for Russians in need, and acted as Honorary Chairman of the Association of Yugoslavian citizens and vice-chairman of Club Champetre International. He a was also a keen yachtsman. Together with his wife he lived in a penthouse of his own apartment house on Avenue Joffre. 

In 1932, Krivoss went on a round-the-world cruise, and upon his return he was interviewed on matters of city planning and architecture. He approved of Hollywood-style homes, however "garish and ornate." He found California lovely, New York dirty and grimy, and Chicago clean and orderly. He was impressed with skyscrapers, finding them efficient and attractive: "Too bad we can't have such things here. Shanghai soil couldn't support them; it's too mucky and soft." He stopped in his native Czechoslovakia and schemed about importing construction materials from there. He concluded: "I'm glad to be back in Shanghai. I consider it my home. I've seen Shanghai grow and it has a big future. I'm sorry I missed the war. There is apparently a great deal of work for everybody in Chapei." (China Press, 28 July 1932)

In 1946, Krivoss moved to Chile and settled in Santiago, running a boarding house and building economical housing in the area of the Central Station. He lived to be 89. (Ulanova & Norambuena, Russos en Chile) "Hotel Castillo Rojo was designed in 1923 by the architect Federico Bieregel as a home for Pedro Lehuedé and his family. In the late 1940s, the castle was purchased by Boris Krivoss, a Russian immigrant who transformed it into an artist’s residence and center for philosophical and creative exchange. From painters to dancers, musicians to chefs, these visitors and tenants gave the castle a bohemian and intriguing atmosphere." (source)

Villa, 550 Route de Zikawei


Villa, 354 Avenue Haig


la tour apartments, Rte tenant de la tour

c. 1928

modern residences, route ghisi


residence, route Frelupt


three-story mansion, Avenue Joffre


blue hospital, Route Dufour


Tiny Apartments, Route grouchy


residence, Avenue Petain


Krivoss apartments, Avenue Joffre

c. 1930

Western apartments, Avenue Petain

c. 1931

Petain Apartments, Route Petain


Chinese-style residences, Nanyang Road


Nesthouse Apartments, Nanyang Road


California-style apartments, Route Vallon


joffre arcade, avenue joffre


Boris Krivoss (center) and Regina Krivoss (extreme right) at the meeting of Club Champetre International, December 1941.

B. Krivoss Advertising in Shanghai newspapers

1928 ad for B. Krivoss company.
Ad from 1928.
Ad from 1928.
1929 ad for B. Krivoss company.
Ad from 1929.
Ad from 1930.
Ad for Krivoss construction company, 1930.
Another creative ad for B. Krivoss company, 1930
Ad from 1931.

La Tour Apartments (c. 1928)

La Tour Apartments, in Lane 275 South Xiangyang Road 襄阳南路275弄. Images by 
Contemporary views of La Tour Apartments, in Lane 275 South Xiangyang Road 襄阳南路275弄. Images by 

Western Apartments (c. 1931)

Contemporary view of Western Apartments, 23 Hengshan Road 衡山路23号. Image by 

California-style Apartments (1932)

Project of the two "California-style" apartment houses, published in December 1932. Shanghai Sunday Times.
Contemporary view of "California-style" apartments (known in Chinese as 嘉宝公寓 & 秀琦公寓), at 625 and 635 Nanchang Road 南昌路625号,南昌路635号. Image by 
Contemporary view of "California-style" apartments (known in Chinese as 嘉宝公寓 & 秀琦公寓), at 625 and 635 Nanchang Road 南昌路625号,南昌路635号. Image by 

Nesthouse Apartments (1932)

The 4-story front building of Nesthouse Apartments (known in Chinese as 巢居公寓), 32–38 Nanyang Road 南阳路32–38号. All images by 
The 3-story back building of Nesthouse Apartments, Lane 30 Nanyang Road 南阳路30弄.
Interior and exterior views of Nesthouse Apartments, Lane 30 Nanyang Road 南阳路30弄.

List of known works by Krivoss & Co. 葛礼文洋行


Борис Владимирович Кривош (1901–1990). 

Архитектор, застройщик, риэлтор

Родился 5 сентября 1901 года; умер 23 мая 1990 года в Сантьяго, Чили.

Сын Владимира Ивановича Кривоша-Неманича из Словакии и Антонины Ивановны Кривош (в девичестве Якщинской). Борис Кривош попал в Шанхай в 1921 году, а в 1925 году созданная им архитектурно-строительная фирма уже скупала участки во Французской концессии, застраивала их особняками и продавала это элитное жилье иностранным клиентам. Кривош предлагал также архитектурные проекты и участки под застройку, а также сдавал в аренду квартиры в своих домах. Ни одна англоязычная газета Шанхая не обходилась без рекламы его фирмы: «Зачем арендовать чужой дом, если можно построить свой?», «Сделайте это! Наш опыт к вашим услугам», «В собственном доме медовый месяц не кончается».

Кривош был одним из богатейших представителей русской колонии Шанхая. Он являлся почетным председателем ассоциации граждан Югославии, своей исторической родины, активно жертвовал на нужды русского сообщества в Шанхае и увлекался яхтенным спортом. Вместе с женой Кривош жил в пентхаусе собственного многоквартирного дома на авеню Жоффр.

В 1931 году Кривош отправился в кругосветный круиз, а после возвращения в Шанхай газета “The China Press» взяла у архитектора интервью на профессиональные темы. Он выразил сожаление, что водянистая шанхайская почва не позволяет строить небоскребы, как в Нью-Йорке. За время круиза архитектор пропустил «войну в Чапее» (японско-китайский конфликт в январе 1932 года), и теперь предвкушал шквал заказов по восстановлению разрушенного района. Он признался, что считает Шанхай своим домом и видел в нем большой потенциал. До наших дней дошел почти десяток вилл, апартаментов и офисных зданий, спроектированных и выстроенных Кривошем, но ни на одном не висит табличка с его именем.

После 1947 года Кривош переехал в Чили и обосновался в Сантьяго, женился на Виктории Баррера и обустроил богемный отель "Красный замок".