Building Russian Shanghai
Архитектура русского Шанхая
Numerous Russian architects, engineers, designers and builders were active in Shanghai in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. To this day their projects grace central streets of the city. This web-based project is an effort to identify and study the built legacy of the Russian architects of Shanghai.
Article “Building Russian Shanghai: The Legacy of the Diaspora,” in RAS Journal, 2020.
В двадцатые, тридцатые и сороковые годы XX века в Шанхае творили десятки архитекторов, инженеров, декораторов и застройщиков-выходцев из Российской Империи. Десятки русских зданий украшают улицы Шанхая, но это обширное наследие до сих пор систематически не изучалось. Наш веб-проект информирует о работе российских зодчих, способствует восстановлению их творческих биографий и стремится воздать должное вкладу российских эмигрантов в облик китайского города.
Статья “Российские архитекторы-эмигранты и их наследие в Шанхае”, Исторический курьер, №3, 2023.
Scroll down for photos
Biography and career of Emmanuel Gran
Medhurst Apartments, by Davies, Brooke and Gran
Yue Tuck Apartments, by Davies, Brooke and Gran
Biographies of I. P. Tomashevsky and V. N. Dronnikoff
New Ashkenazi Synagogue, by Emmanuel Gran
Joffre Arcade, by Boris Krivoss
Architects without legacy – Russian architects and engineers known only by non-professional activities (such as crime)
Tiny Apartments, by Boris Krivoss
Biography of the architect N. N. Emanoff
Friendship Apartments and "southern" residence on Route Ferguson, by N. N. Emanoff and E. L. Gindper
Biography and list of works by Boris Krivoss
Biography of William Alexander Kirk (Vsevolod Kirkor)
Project of the Russian Orthodox Confraternity Hospital
Biography of Alexander Reyer
Biography of Wladimir Livin-Goldenstaedt and one his projects – Hotel Tiny
The list of existing Russian buildings in Shanghai
Biography and list of works by A. A. Reyer
Biography of A. V. Kooklin
Biography of G. A. Kirlian
Biography of Gabriel Rabinovich
Biography of A. J. Yaron
Biography of W. A. Fedoroff
Biography of L. N. Pashkoff
Biography of V. A. Zasipkin
Biography of N. C. Sokolovsky
Biography of B. I. Petroff
Biography of A. S. Krenov (Hrenov)
2020-07-10: Biography of J. L. Lehonos
2020-07-28: Biography of B. L. Mamysh
2020-07-28: Biography of V. S. Podgoursky
2020-08-01: Z. T. Woo's residence at 1917 Bubbling Well Road
2020–08–01: Linda Terrace
2020-08-06: Online talk about Russian architectural heritage in Shanghai, for Royal Asiatic Society
2020-08-09: Biography of H. J. Enfield
2020-08-15: Biography of A. B. Radbill
2020-08-16: Provisional biography of P. P. Stavitsky
2020-11-19: Brief biography of V. N. Shtiefelman
2020-12-18: Brief biographies of Alavdin, Adamovich, Disterlo
2020-12-20: Brief biographies of Barbeliuk, Bernhard, Borisoglebsky, Budagyan, Vassiliev
2021-03-01: Article Building Russian Shanghai in the RAS China Journal 2020
2021-03-24: Blue Hospital, built by B. V. Krivoss.
2021-04-06: Biography of the sculptor A. L. Kamensky
2021-04-13: Relocation to the domain
2021-07-01: Expansion of V. N. Dronnikoff's and I. P. Tomashevsky's professional biographies with the materials from Museum of Russian Culture, San Francisco
2021-08-01: Biography of the engineer N. M. Nekludoff
2021-10-28: Identification of A. S. Krenov's project
2021-11-04: Biography of the architect E. L. Gindper
2021-11-08: Five more buildings by W. F. Livin-Goldenstaedt
2021-11-09: Biography of J. A. Yaron
2021-11-13: Biography of J. J. Levitin
2022-01-29: Map of surviving works by A. J. Yaron.
2022-02-01: Kincheng Bank, by Lafuente & Yaron.
2022-03-31: Five more projects of G. B. Rabinovich
2022-07-23: Sino-Soviet Friendship Hall, by V. S. Andreev and K. D. Kislova
2022-09-03: Biography of the Soviet urban planner A. S. Mukhin.
2023-01-11: Biography of sculptor V. A. Shabaeff-Firsoff.
2023-01-19: Biography of architect I. S. Pakidoff.
2024-11-24: Biography of engineer G. P. Shatohin.