Leonid Pashkoff

Л. Н. Пашков

L. N. Pashkoff. Portrait by Sapajou, 1930. Courtesy of A. A. Khisamutdinov.

Leonid Nicolaevich Pashkoff (1884–?) 

Леонид Николаевич ПАШКОВ (1884–?). Русский текст – внизу страницы


Leonid Pashkoff (also spelled Pashcoff) was born in Moscow on November 20, 1884. He graduated from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Having left Russia during the civil war, he landed in Shanghai in 1921. Nine years later he was named the most prominent Russian architect of the city alongside A. J. Yaron. (NCH, August 1930)

In February 1926, the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français) opened, designed by the French architects A. Leonard and A. Veysseyre. Pashkoff was assistant architect on this project and received mention for his work in the press for his contribution of "many of the most decorative effects of the interior." (China Press, 29 Jan 1926) . He remained the third important person in the firm until the end of 1930. During this time, the firm built the Monseran residence on Route Delaunay (1927) and Convent of the Sacred Heart on Avenue Joffre (1928); it also announced the design of the Boissezon Apartments (1933).

Pashkoff's wife Nina was a draftswoman at the firm Leonard & Veysseyre 赖安工程师 as early as 1926, and was, most likely, the first woman to be admitted into an architecture studio in Shanghai.

In 1927, Pashkoff joined the committee for the construction of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral on Route Paul Henry, in the French Concession. He designed three versions, all of which were named the best among the submissions. The approved design was in the Vladimir-Suzdal style, crowned with nine domes, with the capacity for up to 750 people. 

In December 1928, Pashkoff exhibited his architectural drawings alongside other artists – Podgoursky, Pickulevich and Kitchigin – in the first Russian art show in Shanghai. His contribution was reviewed as follows: "Finally, there were some interesting designs for a Russian church, which we understand is going to be built near Avenue Joffre in the French Concession. These were by the well known architect, Mr. L. Pashkoff, the design selected being of a building in the Byzantine style, that is so popular with Russians. Those who organized this exhibition of pictures by local artists are to be congratulated." (China Journal, 1929)

As the construction of the cathedral was postponed, the architect temporarily left the city. The cathedral was eventually built in 1934–1937 by the design created by J. L. Lehonos.

In 1934–1935 Pashkoff was lecturer in architecture at the Centre Technique Superiéur, in the French Concession. His subsequent career and life remain to be discovered.

French Club, Route Mercier


Monseran residence, Route Delaunay


Convent of the Sacred Heart, Avenue Joffre


Image: Virtual Shanghai
Directory listing for Leonard & Veysseyre firm in 1926, with L. N. Pashkoff employed as assistant architect and his wife N. N. Pashkoff as draughtswoman
French Club (Cercle Sportif Français) in 1935. Le journal de Shanghai
Entrance to the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français) on today's South Maoming Road 茂名南路. Harrison Forman, 1937. AGSL Collections
French Club (Cercle Sportif Français), seen from Rue Bourgeat (today's Changle Road 长乐路). Harrison Forman, 1937. AGSL Collections
Card room at the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français). China Press, February 1926
Ballroom of the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français). China Press, February 1926
"Dignified and restful" second-floor foyer of the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français). China Press, February 1926
"Ladies' lounge, carried out in dainty style," at the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français). China Press, February 1926
Southern facade of the French Club (Cercle Sportif Français) today
"The residence of Mr. Monseran, Director of the French Tramways, Waterworks and Electricity Department, which is located on Route Delaunay. The residence was designed, supervised and decorated by Mssrs. A. Leonard and P. Veysseyre, French architects. The central heating, plumbing and sanitary installations were carried out by the Mechanical Equipment Co. and the electricity installation by the French Electricity Co." Shanghai Sunday Times, Dec 1927
Sacred Heart Convent on Avenue Joffre, 1928. Le journal de Shanghai, 14 Jul 1934
Residence of Route Sieyes, designed by Leonard & Veysseyre in 1928. Le journal de Shanghai, 14 Jul 1934

List of works by L. N. Pashkoff


Леонид Николаевич Пашков (1884–?) – нажмите, чтобы прочитать

Биография из Н. П. Крадина "Русские художники в Китае":

Окончил в 1913 архитектурное отделение МУЖВЗ с званием на чин XII класса. В 1915 занимал должность городского инженера в Благовещенске, откуда в годы Гражданской войны эмигрировал в Китай. В 1928 принял участие в первой групповой выставке русских художников в Шанхае (совместно с М.А. Кичигиным, В.С. Подгурским и Н.А. Пикулевичем), в 1930 там же организовал персональную выставку работ. В конце 1920-х принимал участие в конкурсе на разработку православного храма в Шанхае, представил несколько вариантов и завоевал три первых премии. Один из проектов, выполненный в стиле Владимиро-Суздальской архитектуры, заслужил одобрение митрополита Иннокентия, которому все проекты были отправлены в Пекин. По прошествии нескольких лет, в начале 1931, когда вопрос о строительстве храма в Шанхае стал более актуальным, он разработал новый проект, увеличил вместимость храма и изменил стилистику, взяв за основу тип Северо-Русской православной церкви.